by Cinnapanel | Nov 14, 2016
Poverty makes you think creatively Years ago, a certain Miss Floor tried to get our class to grasp the basics of the French language. Of the language I don’t remember much, but I do remember one thing Miss Floor said to us: “Poverty makes you think creatively”. I am...
by Cinnapanel | Nov 14, 2016
Mienas’ Prayer The power of prayer comes in every shoe size… I once again realised this as I heard little Miena (three years old) say grace for the sandwiches we were about to receive. Miena and her brother, Benito, has been a part of our It’s Amazing Kids Club in...
by Cinnapanel | Nov 14, 2016
Bang, Bang, Bang (ENG) ‘Train you kids in the right way, because you will have to face whoever they become in the future.’ It was with mixed emotions that I placed the telephone back on its receiver at 23:00 on Christmas day. The past ten days of Action Immanuel were...
by Cinnapanel | Nov 14, 2016
A pair of second hand flip-flops or sunglasses for your birthday A few days ago it felt like my birthday in Badsberg Close, although it wasn’t. I received the most beautiful letter with the words: “Lisa, I love you. You are my best friend. I hop (instead of ‘hope’)...