Educational programmes

Early Childhood development

  • Babbelbekkies
    Our informal daily playgroups, for children aged three to five years, follow a home-based learning curriculum that helps them become school ready. We currently have three Babbelbekkie groups, with 12 – 15 children in each group. These groups are aimed at children who aren’t in formal pre-school programmes due to poverty, or disinterested and/or absent parents. Currently we are operating at 3 different venues:
  • Babbelbekkies: Badsberg Close
  • Babbelbekkies: Sneeuberg Road
  • Babelbekkies: Olivia Court
  • SmartStart
    We will launch this exciting new initiative early 2017.

SmartBrain literacy classes

Many of the children in the community struggle with basic reading and writing and the SmartBrain literacy programme is a tool to teach the children in creative ways.

Homework and projects

On Thursday afternoons we assist the teenagers with their homework and projects as well as preparation for exams.

Maths and English extra classes

During school holidays we have different extra classes for different age groups. The children are very proud to be part of ‘summer school’, ‘winter school’ etc. These classes are creative, fun and interactive.

Acting classes

Most of the children in our community have the natural ability to dance, sing, act or tell stories. A professional actor provides classes to enhance their talent and to boost their self-confidence. Even shy children participate and these classes help them to better their self-esteem. These classes are for ages nine to 16.