Statistics (November 2016)

Attendance of programmes:


  1. Babbelbekkies Badsberg Close: 15
  2. Babbelbekkies Sneeuberg Road: 14
  3. Babbelbekkies Olivia Court: 12

Teenage support groups:

  1. Monique Teenage Girls’ support group: 15
  2. Peacemakers Teenage Boys’ support group: 14

Afterschool safe play / resources library:

  1. Badsberg Close: between 45 and 50 children
  2. Olivia Court: between 25 and 35 children

Wednesday Kids’ Club :

  1. Badsberg Close
    Oulike ekke (3-6 years): 29
    Stars (7-9 years): 23
    Little Angels (10-11 years): 19
    New feelings (12+ years): 11
    Total: 82
  2. Olivia Court
    Class 1: 15 (Little ones 6+ years)
    Class 2: 17 (Bigger ones 9+ years)
    Total: 32

 SmartBrain literacy classes:

  1. Olivia Court
    Younger kids: 10
    Older kids: 11

Badsberg Close will resume their classes on a Monday and Thursday afternoon, soon.

Total children reached:

Badsberg Close: 136 individual children are reached
Olivia Court: 64 individual children are reached.

Provision of meals:

Badsberg Close:

  1. Every morning – porridge and sandwich and fruit for school: Between 30 and 35 children
  2. Babbelbekkies Badsberg Close and Sneeuberg road (every morning)- porridge and fruit: 29
  3. Tuesday afternoon – soup and bread: between 45 and 50 children
  4. Wednesday afternoon (sandwiches and fruit): 80+ children
  5. Monday, Thursday, Friday Supper: between 35 and 40 children
  6. Monday afternoons Peacemakers group – sandwiches and fruit: 14 boys
  7. Tuesday evening Monique group -snack : 15

Olivia Court:

  1. Babbelbekkies (4 days per week) – porridge and fruit: 14 children
  2. Tuesday afternoons – soup and sandwiches: 25 children
  3. Wednesday afternoons – sandwiches and fruit: 30 children
  4. Monday and Thursday literacy classes – sandwich and fruit: 25 children