Audrey Kaptein

Where did you hear about It’s Amazing! ZT and how did you get involved?
I was involved with Valuable to Jesus where Sister Lowena introduced me to Lisa.
How long have you been involved?
I think almost 4 years.
What do you do at It’s Amazing! ZT?
I am part of the board of trustees. I am one of the coordinators and teachers of Olivia Court’s Babbelbekkies, Kids Club and SmartBrain.
What does it mean to you to be part of It’s Amazing! ZT?
My heart goes out to the children and It’s Amazing! ZT gives me the opportunity to live out my passion.
What is your greatest happiness?
My greatest joy is to see how happy the kids are and to work with them and learn them about Jesus and when we can give them something to eat.
What is your greatest sadness?
That children are mistreated and abused by their parents, and all the young people who fall into drugs and gangsterism.
Swimming and prayer
Favourite scripture from the Bible?
Psalm 91
Anything else you want to say?
Thanks to the Lord who brought me to It’s Amazing! ZT and for all that I have learnt here. It’s just amazing.