Jessie Bonaparte

Ashlynne Marinus

Where did you hear about It’s Amazing! ZT and how did you get involved?

I was involved with Valuable to Jesus where I met Auntie Lowena and she introduced me to It’s Amazing! ZT.

How long have you been involved?

1 year and 8 months

What do you do at It’s Amazing! ZT?

I am a teacher at Babbelbekkies – Olivia Court, Kids Club and SmartBrain.

What does it mean to you to be part of It’s Amazing! ZT?

It is a privilege to work for It’s Amazing! ZT because I learn a lot about children.

What is your greatest happiness?

I’m glad to see that the children come to class and that they are interested.

What is your greatest sadness?

To see how the young children fall into pregnancy, gangsterism an drugs.


Read and occasionally watching movies.

Favourite scripture from the Bible?

Proverbs 31:30

Anything else you want to say?

We are in urgent need for extra space for the children at Olivia Court. With the expansion of the programmes we do not have enough space.