Joseph Fredericks

Joseph Fredericks

Where did you hear about It’s Amazing! ZT and how did you get involved?

Ilse Els en Lisa Truter

How long have you been involved?

4 years and it was the greatest thing that could ever have happened to me.

What do you do at It’s Amazing! ZT?

Along with Letitia we deal with the teenage boys and we are responsible for their spiritual growth.  We meet on Monday afternoons. We also reach out to the people in the community (do home visits etc.).

What does it mean to you to be part of It’s Amazing! ZT?

Spiritually I have grown tremendously, my life is meaningful and I am reminded of what Jesus did for me, when I see the destruction that is around me in Heideveld. But for the grace of God it’s not me. It keeps me on my knees and it keeps me humble. . . All thanks to the fact that I am part of It’s Amazing! ZT.

What is your greatest happiness?

To be able to see the boys’ growth. Week after week they come and it is a privilege to hear all their stories, to see what gives them joy, what makes them” tick “. To connect with them in their hearts, to see them smile, regardless of their circumstances… And so I can go on and on. They inspire me.

What is your greatest sadness?

Being surrounded by a cruel world, full of violence, full of drugs, alcohol abuse, sexual promiscuity, shebeens, and death (shooting).  These boys experience things  on a daily basis that many people will never experience in their entire lives.


Bible study, reading and listening to spiritual music. I love goings for walks with my wife.

Favourite scripture from the Bible?

Ezekiel 48: 35b “The Lord is there”. No matter where I find myself, just to know that God is there, gives me joy and peace of mind.

Anything else you want to say?

Thanks to God for the wonderful opportunity to be involved with the children in Heideveld. May God bless It’s Amazing! ZT  in a supernatural manner. And I pray that It’s Amazing! ZT will continue to grow from strength to strength and will make an impact in the Heideveld community in through the example of a life in Christ.