Marelise Slabbert

Where did you hear about It’s Amazing! ZT and how did you get involved?
Lisa came to speak at my church about Straatwerk and It’s Amazing! ZT. I had free time on my hands and I went to see her, to find out if there was something I could do to help out. She asked me if I wanted to go with her, the next day, to see what they were doing in Heideveld. I went just to have a look … 7 months later and I’m still here.
How long have you been involved?
Since April 2016
What do you do at It’s Amazing! ZT?
I help with the administration and to prepare lessons and to prep the other Kids’ Club teachers. Tuesday evenings I help with the Moniques teenage girls group. Wednesdays I am a teacher at the Little Angels Kids’ Club class. Thursdays I help the teenage girls with homework and school projects.
What does it mean to you to be part of It’s Amazing! ZT?
It is truly a privilege to be part of the It’s Amazing!ZT team. From that first day, I was just embraced with love. We share joys and sorrows, like a family. And learn a lot from each other.
What is your greatest happiness?
My greatest joy is to be able to see how you can make God’s love visible on a practical level.
What is your greatest sadness?
It makes me sad to see how the children are just neglected. The innocence of being a child gets taken away from them. And seeing as they grow older, the hope of a better future, disappear from their eyes.
Drawing, painting and watching movies.
Favourite scripture from the Bible?
Philippians 4:13
Anything else you want to say?
It’s one thing to hear about an organization like It’s Amazing! ZT, but to experience it, is quite different. The excitement of the children when they see you is amazing. Unconditional love is always present. And the love of the Lord that just radiates from each of the team members is tangible. I honestly do not know where I would have been if it was not for Lisa and It’s Amazing!ZT.