Muriel Fernandez

Muriel Fernandez

Where did you hear about It’s Amazing! ZT and how did you get involved?

I heard about It’s Amazing! ZT from Lowena. We are friends and she invited me.

How long have you been involved?

From October 2011.

What do you do at It’s Amazing! ZT?

I prepare sandwiches, see to it that neglected children get washed and I teach them about basic hygiene. I also help the children when they are hurting and in need of love. Talk to them seriously in connection with private matters.

What does it mean to you to be part of It’s Amazing! ZT?

It is a privilege to see how a hug can change a child’s life. And what you tell the children stays with them, even though it does not always look that way.

What is your greatest happiness?

My greatest happiness is when I can help the children and to see them being happy.

What is your greatest sadness?

When children tell me of their abuse and to see how they have to help themselves. The children have to be responsible for themselves, washing clothes, washing themselves, there is no one to look after them.


I like to help abused children in general. I love cooking, baking and homework. I like to exercise and walk. I like to help other people, as it is in my means. I love to share   with people and to give advice where possible.

Favourite scripture from the Bible?

Isaiah 60 and Isaiah 61

Anything else you want to say?

I like the way we as a team work together at It’s Amazing! ZT Heideveld and how we understand each other. Give each other advice, etc. There are many people that come to Heideveld with different things, games, toys and plenty of other things, to help us. Jerseys are knitted. We go out with Lisa – watch a good movie, attend church services at different ministries. We have classes how to handle money and how to deal with children if something happens to them, for example rape, molesting, etc. We as workers learn to bear one another’s pain and respect each other. I pray for bigger space so that more children can be reached, that the Lord will bless us financially, will carry Lisa, and give her strength and wisdom.